Preserving a Person

 This project has come about because of the death of my Grandfather, Martin Curry, in June 2010. I set about trying to become closer to him and trying to peel away some of the layers he had built up around himself. I am currently trying to find the best way to represent this time in my work. I want to be meticulous and exact. Two qualities which always stood out on him. Any feedback would be very useful! The images were taken using a flatbed scanner, I am looking for new ways to use the scanner at the moment. When I return to Ireland on the 20th december im going to attempt to scan an entire room in his house! I am also planing on scanning his work bench and lots and lots of other details like his chair and also everything we packed up from his house.

The reason for using the scanner is because I believe it gives a completely different effect to just using a camera. The light the camera picks up is whatever natural light plus the addition of a flash or other light set ups. I want to take away all that excess and get the purest possible reflection of the objects.